Tuesday, June 3, 2008


The following are my final posters for the Major Project. I struggled a little bit to get started with the project but found that as soon as i had an idea for what type of construction method would be best used then everything else fell into place. The biggest isue was wether i could use a tilt-up construction system whilst not having the need for massive coloumns in my warehouse space. I decided that using UB rafters that would be wleded to cast-in plates on the tilt-up panels that would be reinforced with steel inside, would allow me to acheive this.

Overall, i think this assignment gives the oppurtunity to challenge

yourself by having to some what 'copy' what another previous architect would have done if this project were commisioned to them.

Louis Kahn

For the Major Project, my influence will come from Louis Kahn. Kahn has been a favourite architect of mine for a while especially ever since watching the movie "My Architect" by his son Nethnaiel.

Louis Kahn's buildings use monumenatlism and he creates such monolithic structures that are great to see and i hope to see them in person one day. My favourite and the buildning that fives me the most inspiration is the Slak Institute. From the natural texture's of the concrete finishes, to the seperation of the two buildings on either side by a large open piazza space with a small river running through leading to the view of the ocean is truly amazing.

I have tried to take some ideas from Louis Kahn's architecture and implement it into my own.